Monday, December 25, 2006

Julien Sorel, The Red and the Black

Hi, I'm considering moving to this blog if I can make it look attractive and comfortable. I also plan to fill it with whatever tripe strikes my mind because this is the trend on these things. I have a blog-type thing I've been on and think it's okay to pollute the internet more with my writing because it is already a barrel of crap as it is. The first thing I would like to say is that I am amazed at the idiocy of "well-read" bloggers and Amazon reviewers. The pompous tone, the things they say, oh what very curious-minded single "stitch bitch" ugly fiance Harry Potter bookworms we are. I have a cow against these sort of female bloggers that I've found that stink of English major exhaust or those that stand on their purple prose soap box with their long-winded rambles about the World Wars. The things you people deign to read. As long as it has a picture, capital letters with a short caption about one's cat or latest knitting creation, it's a-okay. We'll be flooding the comments with "you go girl." And meditations about life written in outrageously long sentences. Dag yo. I advise these people to get/work on a doctorate before they attempt to sympathetically discuss anything. Katrina, literature, or anything. I mean picking up self-help books, Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging in the Barnes and Noble along with your crap translation of Madame Bovary... So let me get right to what I was trying to say: whatever dumbass thinks that Julien Sorel is an unsympathetic character who is just full of crusty ambition, did you read the book at all?

1 comment:

David Hodges said...

Way to come out swinging!