Friday, December 21, 2012


I'm still uncomfortable with the differences between men and women.  I think it's important to be truthful, truthful of our differences and our emotional reaction to our differences even if it is one of anger.  I don't know how to work through it, but I don't want to ignore it because that would be lying. 

Fear and insecurity separates humans from each other and underscores an individuated, separated experience that allows us to distrust one another.  Adding faith and lack of fear as well as self acceptance causes one's path, thoughts, and ideas to become clear without a distortion of another choice.  Faith indicates seeing the way one is going and the terrain around and accepting it, continuing on without being nervous or resentful of what will happen.  Faith is something that makes me resent other people less or set up curtseys and bird dances to get to know them less.  Social interactions require a certain amount of necessary prologue, but this isn't something I should resent.  My bitterness and resentment comes from comparison with other people, which is ridiculous in the achievement of my individual goals, though less so with my progress in goals related to other people.  I do not fit with the devil may care risk taking of the entrepreneur who arranges all to fulfill their impossible dream by monetizing it with a niche market, with the doing what you love and such.   There is a great bouquet of people founding specific and gimmicky vegan chocolate bars, pop up yoghurt kitchens, books and toys that our parents made inaccessible to us due to the gender divide, other gleeful TED-baiting ideas meant to quickly expand our consciousness in the space of a Google Chrome commercial.  I am too much of a follower, scribe, and detailist to focus on the huge array of syrup bars and girls' spatial reasoning toys I could be making.  I don't fit into the second dot com boom as an entrepreneur or evangelist.  Nor in the niche DIY rooftop kale farmer, butcher, single batch distiller, or other niche hipster animal that found a specific language to articulate and live their dream and get featured on NYT Magazine or NPR.  The dream of the 1890s is alive in hipsterdom today of being an artisan of one's specific wares, whatever they may be, but before joyfully humming away at work, one must carve out one's artisanal specialty, whether a Ukrainian-Korean fruit pickling brand or a raw aperitif bar.  Academia only brands itself with the specificity of one's subject.  The allure of staking out a new piece of terrain as being an expert of both an arcane and popular new subject.  One can take a new lens, but either the author or the focus must be narrowly arcane.  God forbid we have another Dickens or Tolstoy guy.  Yet, the delivery of the language, the product is not diversified, it is similar critical rhetoric, we don't use dioramas, lists, infographics, or the gimmicks Pitchfork used to keep its reviews sneering and engaging. This perceived stodginess in the medium of academic criticism and essays is probably getting a due revision in the form of the infographics and technological flourishes of the day, but isn't the point not the form, but rather the insight and the enhancement of truth in the discipline and in understanding the past and current time with it. 

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